Westlake is postponed. No tournament on May-11. The new date will be Monday, October-26. Anyone who registered for May-11, your checks will be shredded. Notice for re-registration will be sent out prior to the rescheduled event. Yes, we are aware that Gordon Lakes is scheduled for November-09, close to the same time. We think Gordon Lakes will ask us to reschedule since that is now Masters Week. However, the course is currently closed and they are not anwering phone calls or email. As soon as we are able to contact them we'll find out what they would like us to do. Mount Vintage is still scheduled for June-08. Registration for the event opens on May-04 and closes May-09. Send one check and one registration per player to the mailbox. You may combine two checks and two registrations in the same envelope if you have a specific partner requested. We are continuing to monitor the Covid-19 situation. We will make a decision to go / no go on each upcoming tournament depending on our reading of the situation at the appropriate time and input from the SCGA and other sources. We will plan on making the go / no go decision about two weeks prior to each event. Stay safe, Michael Koon |